My dear guest on this second episode is Lígia Koijen Ramos:

⭐   CEO of In2motivation, international training and coaching company based in Amsterdam.

⭐   Philosopher &investigator of  Neuro-linguistic Programming, Yoga, Body and Dance. 

⭐  Host of the podcast: the Coaches next door and co-author of the book "The spiral of super powers".

⭐   Mom of 3 kids and 2 rabbits. 

She bases her life in three core values: connection, simplicity and love.

In this episode we talked about learning & skills refinement through adulthood, communication and body/emotions/voice connections, among other curious Lígia's personal stories. 

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June 30, 2021

S3 | EP #2 – Skills Refinement w/ Lígia Koijen Ramos

My dear guest on this second episode is Lígia Koijen Ramos: ⭐   CEO of In2motivation, international training and coaching company based in Amsterdam. ⭐   […]
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S3 | EP #1 – What is Vocal Coaching?

Ep1 – What is Vocal Coaching?  Vocal Coaching is a relatively new area that has only in the last decades been accessible to people who want […]
June 16, 2021

S3 | EP #1 – What is Vocal Coaching?

Ep1 – What is Vocal Coaching?  Vocal Coaching is a relatively new area that has only in the last decades been accessible to people who want […]
June 16, 2021

S3 | EP #1 – What is Vocal Coaching?

Ep1 – What is Vocal Coaching?  Vocal Coaching is a relatively new area that has only in the last decades been accessible to people who want […]